Photo reproductions works of art

If you are an artist and your area is painting, Oscar Parra Photographer can make reproductions of works of art, respecting to the maximum the original colors and thanks to the use of advanced lighting techniques, eliminating all the shines produced by the oil, getting some colors nuanced and faithful, in this way your work looks as it deserves.

But not only do we photograph canvases, also of any work of art that needs to be preserved and / or studied, such as silks, books, sculptures or any other material, always with the image quality that you ask us from 16 to 80 megapixels or even if gigapixel is necessary, scanning the surface of the canvas with robotic arms and approach lenses.


Photo reproductions works of art
Photo reproductions works of art – Francisco de Goya – «Children plays bulls»


We know the importance of color in reproductions of works of art, this is why we do a complete color management from the camera, obtaining exclusive color profiles of each work, until the final file delivered to ensure correct fidelity of color and gradations of tones.

Reproductions of works of art in high resolution

In each change of canvas of each of the reproductions of works of art, a change of lighting is made and therefore a new color profile is extracted again. In the photo reproductions works of art we work with the quality that you demand, from the 16 megapixels, to the quantity that you ask us, we work with macro objectives of high resolution and robotic arms that literally scan the surface of the canvas, collecting each one of the brushstrokes of the painter with the maximum sharpness, so that the canvas can be studied from the screen of the pc.


Reproducciones fotograficas obras de arte
Photo reproductions works of art – Shipwreck of a French ship before a lighthouse


We guarantee a perfect fit of the parallelism and the perspective in each one of the reproductions of works of art, to guarantee that the surface will be completely flat and without geometric distortions that could alter the fidelity of the reproductions of works of art.

In art reproductions we use specific lighting to eliminate glare

In all the reproductions of works of art we use professional portable lighting equipment adapting the equipment to the category of lighting of the work of art to reproduce, avoiding that the work of art is unnecessarily wasted by illumination. We also use polarization schemes to avoid the appearance of specular shines on the surface of the canvas, thus achieving a nuanced and uniform image over the entire surface.


Photo reproductions works of art
Photo reproductions works of art – the triumph of Anfitrite


In this way each of the reproductions of works of art are the closest thing to the original canvas, allowing for its study in detail and without annoying reflections or brightness, thanks to this quality offered in the works, Oscar Parra Photographer has several collections of works of photographed art, including a collection of 6 canvases by Francisco de Goya y Lucientes.

If you want more information about our reproductions of works of art, you can contact us at [email protected], or comfortably from our contact form or if you wish it will be a pleasure to greet you by phone 876 030 443.

To see more about our works of art reproductions you can click here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the correct visualization of the photographic reproductions of works of art that appear in this web it is necessary to have a correct calibration of your monitor, otherwise, the visualization may not correspond to reality, neither in luminosity nor in reproduction of colour


art reproductionsart reproductionsart reproductionsreproduction of works of artreproduction of works of artreproduction of works of artreproductions artreproductions artreproductions art